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Legal notice


The Internet website (hereinafter the “Website”) is published by the company Illumination Studios Paris.
SAS with a capital of 3 421 000,00 €
Head office: 6 rue de la Cavalerie, 75015 Paris, France
Registered under RCS Paris number: B 533 478 434
Phone: +33 (0)1 53 58 12 12
Individual identification number: 53347843400020

Publication Director

Mr. Jacques Bled


SAS with a capital of 800 000€
Head office: 63-65 bd Masséna, 75013 Paris, France
Registered under R.C.S. Paris number: 423 093 459
Phone: +33 (0) 1 70 37 76 61


Conception and realization of the Website: Totem

Intellectual Property

Illumination Studios Paris, and/or its partners and/or its customers (in the case of authorized contents) are the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights covering both the visual interface and all the constituent elements (texts, images, videos,etc…) of the site in the entire world.
In no case the possibility to access the information on the Website can be construed as an authorisation for the user to extract, substantially or not, and/or use outside the consultation of the Website, any data or any other element of the Website. It is recalled that such extractions and/or uses are strictly prohibited.
Any and all reproduction and/or display, in all or in part, on any medium, of the distinctive signs or contents on the Website, including the information and/or data, without Illumination Studios Paris’s prior and express authorization, is strictly prohibited. Any such use without Illumination Studios Paris’s prior and express authorization is an infringement of intellectual property rights and can thus lead to civil and criminal liability for its author under French law.
If you wish to use in another context and/or to disseminate data, information and/or any constituent element of the Website, please contact us:


The Website may provide links directing to contents from third parties or to websites exploited by third parties.
These sites are independent, Illumination Studios Paris is not responsible for the quality or the correctness of these contents or websites and cannot be regarded as approving, publishing or authorising those websites or contents. We remind you that affiliated or non-affiliated websites are subject to their own conditions of use and protection of personal data.
The creation of hyperlinks towards the Website is not allowed without Illumination Studios Paris’s prior and express authorisation.


The Website may provide links directing to contents from third parties or to websites exploited by third parties.
These sites are independent, Illumination Studios Paris is not responsible for the quality or the correctness of these contents or websites and cannot be regarded as approving, publishing or authorising those websites or contents. We remind you that affiliated or non-affiliated websites are subject to their own conditions of use and protection of personal data.
The creation of hyperlinks towards the Website is not allowed without Illumination Studios Paris’s prior and express authorisation.

Gender Equality Index

In order to strengthen the mobilization of companies on the subject of equal pay between women and men, the law of September 5th, 2018 “for the freedom to choose one’s professional future” stipulates that they must now calculate and then publish each year the result of an index on equal pay between women and men.

For the year 2024, the Illumination Studios Paris Company obtains a result of 91/100

This index, ranging from 0 to 100 points, is the result of the following indicators for which the company’s results are specified here:

  • the gender pay gap: 36 points out of 40
  • the difference in the rate of individual increases: 20 points out of 20
  • the difference in promotion rates: 15 points obtained out of 15
  • the salary evolution of women returning from maternity leave: 10 points obtained out of 10
  • the number of women and men in the top 10 salaries: 5 points obtained out of 5